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Small Groups

Counseling groups are offered 2-3 times during the school year for children that need additional help in certain areas. Teachers, administrators, parents, or counselors can refer children for groups throughout the year. However, it is only with parent permission that the child can attend group.

Each group consists of a small group of children (usually 3-6), who meet together weekly for 6 weeks with one of the school counselors for 30 minutes. School counselors will work closely with teachers to ensure that the child's group time does not interfere with optimal learning. Counselors use age appropriate books, worksheets, games, and activities to help the children reach the group goals.

Group counseling can be beneficial to group members for the reason that it creates an accepting environment in which children can learn from others. It also helps the child realize they are not the only ones experiencing difficulties.  It allows the child to be helped and be helpful to others. Members also learn how to constructively express feelings and ideas to others.

Some of the counseling topics may include:

Academic Success: Helps students list goals and make a plan on how to accomplish them. Students learn various strategies to help them get motivated. Students learn organization and studying skills.

Anger management: Students recognize angry feelings and the consequences of irrational behavior. Children learn acceptable anger reduction strategies.

Classroom Behavior: Students understand and learn the causes for misbehavior. Through positive reinforcement and modeling students learn better ways to manage their behavior.

Family Changes: Children are given the opportunity to express their feelings about the changes occurring in the family. They learn positive ways to adjust and cope to the new changes in their family.

Friendship: Students learn how to make friends and identify qualities that makes someone a good friend.  They understand common friendship problems and learn ways to manage friendship conflicts.

Self-Concept: Students learn about their strengths as their uniqueness is emphasized. They learn similarities and differences with others while developing a positive self-image.

Stress/Anxiety & Perfectionism:  Students learn how to manage their stress and overcome anxiety.  Students learn that they are worthy, even when things are not perfect.